A year seems like a long time – I’m not sure I could do it.

We hear this a lot. Women who are intrigued by and attracted to what the program offers, but something is holding them back. And that thing is usually fear. There are two things to consider here:

1. Deliberate program design. The program is deliberately designed to be an enriching and engaging experience. Every week you’ll receive a lesson fresh into your inbox, full of inspiration and ideas on that month’s theme – click here to learn more about how the program is put together. There is a resource for each weekly lesson to get you taking action at your own pace. We’ve done all the hard work in setting up the program so it’s easy for you to access the weekly material.

The program is designed by me and there is a phenomenal faculty who have contributed to much of the program. The program is chockablock full of interesting and enlightening ideas and practical suggestions, arranged in 12 key themes.

Most women who join our program have been working on their shopping habits for years, sometimes decades. These kinds of entrenched habits won’t disappear overnight, or with a single downloadable info product. Real change is a process – not an event.

This program is a year in length for a very deliberate reason, and that is it can take that long to get some real traction in changing your relationship to yourself, your shopping, your wallet and your wardrobe. Anything less than a year may just be scratching the surface.

If you are looking for real change, and not just a band-aid solution, you need to dedicate yourself to a process of change. And that’s what we offer with this program’s deliberate design.

2. Join with a friend. Consider doing the challenge with a friend or family member. Enrol your friends, your sister, your sister-in-law, your mother, your neighbour, your workout buddies, your classmates, your book club!

You’ll receive a lot of support via the program itself (in the weekly two-part tutorial and in the protected Members Only area where the weekly bulletin boards are accessed). You’ll multiply that if you do the program with someone else – you can share the journey together!

Posted in: My Year Without Clothes Shopping - the program