Shopping, Clothes and Emotions

How We Can Become Better Shoppers

This is the third and final article in a series.  In an upcoming article for a large fashion and style blog, I was asked what the common mistakes are that women make when shopping (for that first article click here), what common items women purchase that they just don’t wear (and for the second article click […]

Common Items Women Buy But Just Don’t Wear

ItemThis article is the second in a series – if you want to catch up on the first article, click here. I was asked in a recent interview for a large fashion and style blog what the common items women buy that they just don’t wear.  My answer was shortened for that piece, so here’s […]

Common Mistakes Women Make When Shopping

I was interviewed recently for a piece in very big style and fashion blog.  My responses were so long that they had to be sharply curtailed, which I understood – readers often wanting to read a couple of lines, not a page of paragraphs. But instead of throwing away my longer responses, I thought I’d […]

The Cost of Being a Shopaholic

This infographic was created and is being generously shared by

Your Shopping Year In Review: 15 Questions

The end of the year is a traditional time to take a moment, pause, reflect, and allow some wisdom to surface about the year that has been. I’m seeing quite a few posts and articles around on ways to glean some insight about 2012, and ways to set yourself up for 2013.  I like these […]

Life Changing Small Steps

Many of us who have tried to change something in our lives get overwhelmed.  Confused.  Frustrated.  Anxious. Worried. Concerned.  Stressed.  Angry. It isn’t pretty. We can get caught up in the hugeness of it all.  Especially if your challenge feels like the equivalent of climbing Mt Everest.  You can, quite reasonably, ask yourself:  How can […]

Massage or New Shoes? Why Experiences are Better Than Things

I’ve been pondering lately the value of experiences over things.  In recent research, we’ve learned how much more memorable and satisfying experiences are than material goods. Last week, in an effort to regain some buoyancy to my flagging energy, I took radical action – I decided to take the afternoon off every day from Tuesday […]

These Shoes Will Never Love Me

Someone I love is hurting right now. Hurting badly.  Someone very close to her is coming close to the end of their life.  This is very confrontational territory for anyone, and my friend is feeling the pain of that loss, both in terms of her current feelings of loss and her anticipated feelings of further […]

A Quick Question That Could Save You Hundreds

Recently I was out having lunch with a girlfriend visiting from Sydney.  Our Raw Energy lunch finished, we took a leisurely stroll down the esplanade, one of my favourite spots to eat and loiter.  It’s also quite close to one of my favourite pre-loved and consignment clothing store, a kind of shopping I am particularly drawn […]

How One Small Decision Can Save You

Here’s something else I discovered the enormous power of recently:  the power of making one small decision. How making just one small decision can lead you down a path that helps you, or one that hinders (or even hurts) you. Here’s what happened I was driving home from a lunch with friends and was thinking about […]