At a recent creative writing masterclass, we were asked to write about what we would do, or attempt, if we knew we could not fail. Even the question got me scratching my head, before I even considered what my answer might be. For a start, the concept of failure. What is failure? At the very […]
Attitudes and Habits
The Power of Accessories
I’ve been pondering a lot about style lately, and what makes a woman stylish. There’s a lot to this question, and ultimately it is a deeply personal one. What is stylish to me may be garish or dull or crazy to you. But one thing that has struck me is how important the details are. […]
Why I Buy
I don’t shop so much lately. Certainly not in comparison to the rate and regularity I was shopping at before I started my year without clothes shopping in mid December 2009. And my shopping has not only changed in terms of how often I shop, but why I shop, when I choose to do so. Good […]
It’s All Trial and Error: The Real Secret to Getting The Most From Your Closet
Clothing, and getting dressed, should be fun. I believe this with my whole heart and soul. The truly stylish people I’ve ever seen dress for themselves – to express themselves, to wear something that just makes them feel good. And they have an attitude that it doesn’t really matter what other people think. I love […]
Experiment – Don’t Assess
When you attempt to learn something new, or change a habit (either ridding yourself of a bad habit, or trying to institute a new good habit), the attitude you have makes all the difference in the world to how successful you’ll be, and what your experience will be like as you travel this new path. […]
The Difference Between A Good Idea and An Insight
I’m experimenting with and learning about happiness and discovering just how much I don’t know about the true source of happiness. Life is far too short to be on a rollercoaster where sometimes you’re happy and a lot of the times you’re not, so I’m deliberately immersing myself in the landscape of happiness, to see […]
The Power of Fear
Fear comes up in an over-shopping context a lot. It’s one of the drivers of over- and compuslive shopping, and it’s one of the most common emotions that women who are grapping with their own shopping dragons face. We fear that we can’t change – that our shopping habits are too big, too entrenched, too […]
Don’t Go Shopping (Just Yet)!
Dr Adam Fraser is an interesting man doing interesting things. He’s a peak performance coach, which means he helps people dig deep and do more than they thought they could. He’s a researcher and writer, working in conjunction with an Australian university to understand how the simple things make a profound impact in our daily […]