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12 Themes – 12 Months

My Year Without Clothes Shopping program has 12 themes over 12 months.   Each week, you’ll receive a two-part tutorial, based on that month’s theme.  That’s 52 quality, thorough tutorials delivered to you throughout the program!  The 12 monthly themes, around which the 52 weekly tutorials are grouped, are:

Month 1 – Setting You Up To Succeed

We’ll set you up to succeed for the journey ahead.  We’ll work through the practical and emotional processes and success strategies that most people are never exposed to, which will boost your chances of succeeding with the goals you set for yourself.  You’ll also receive:

  • The 5 step process you can do every week to create the working wardrobe you dreamed of
  • The 6 questions you need to ask yourself to start improving your relationship and attitude to shopping immediately
  • Willpower-free strategies to help you succeed
  • A 15 minute process that will take much of the uncertainty and angst out of the year ahead
  • A 20 page Month 1 BONUS that will make the first few weeks of your journey so much easier

Month 2 – Working Wardrobe Strategy #1: Mixing and Matching

In Month 2, we’re still early in the journey and we encourage you to become more mindful of the choices that led you to this program and the desire to change.  This month’s material focuses on practical strategies for expanding your outfit choices.  This month, you will discover:

  • The 3 keys to mixing and matching that unlock the hidden magic in your wardrobe
  • 20 example capsules you can use as templates for creating your own
  • The reason why your mixing and matching efforts haven’t worked – and how you can turn that around and be wearing closer to 100% of your current wardrobe
  • 3 strategies for getting greater mileage out of your casual clothing
  • A handy Month 2 BONUS

Month 3 – Working Wardrobe Strategy #2: Personality Dressing

In Month 3, we move into personality territory.  We explore ways you can express and support who you are through clothing, and encourage you to focus on the benefits of making the changes you so desire.  This month, you’ll discover:

  • The missing piece of the wardrobe puzzle that will forever remove the “look at all these clothes – how can I have nothing I love to wear in here?” frustrations you feel now
  • The 4 personality styles of dressing and which one fits you best
  • The secret ingredient to personality dressing
  • Illustrations, examples  and techniques for dressing in each of the 4 personality styles
  • A perspective-shifting Month 3  BONUS


Month 4 – The Emotions of Overshopping

In Month 4, we move into exploring the emotions of compulsive and addictive shopping habits.  We encourage you to seek support from people you trust and focus on the upsides to becoming more conscious in your shopping.  This month, you’ll learn:

  • The powerful two-part process to unpack the assumptions, beliefs and behaviours that are tripping you up
  • The 3 energies that drive our behaviour – and how to tap into each so that you stop wasting your most precious resource
  • The psychology of money and how to master it.  Once you truly understand this, you’ll never look at spending the same way ever again
  • A 10-minute-a-day strategy that will shift your perspective about shopping forever
  • A 5-part Month 4 BONUS

Month 5 – Working Wardrobe Strategy #3: Colour and Style

In Month 5, we give you the final large building block to creating a truly working wardrobe over 5 bumper tutorials.  This is some of the most thorough material in the entire program, where you’ll learn:

  • How colour works – and how to determine your own natural colouring
  • How to determine your signature colours and best neutrals, plus a foolproof way to combine colours
  • How to work out your body shape and what to wear for your particular body shape
  • How to determine your body proportion, and how to dress to flatter your proportions
  • Strategies for dressing individual body variations – 40 pages of examples, illustrations, strategies and secrets for creating a flattering silhouette.   Everything from camouflaging a big bust to looking taller and slimmer is covered
  • A surprising Month 5 BONUS

Month 6 – Celebration and Self-Expression – Without Shopping

In Month 6, the magic halfway point of the challenge, you need to be supported in your commitment to stick with the challenge.  We’ll cover:

  • Why it’s so important to your success to reward yourself for the changes you’ve made and celebrate small and large accomplishments
  • The 6 step process you can use immediately to celebrate your accomplishments
  • 3 strategies for tapping into the joy of life, that take less than 15 minutes a day and don’t cost a cent
  • The 8 substitute activities that give you focus and direction and experiencing the fullness of life – apart from shopping
  • An impactful and enjoyable self-reflection process for healing and celebration


Month 7 – Mastering Your Relationship to Money

In the five powerful tutorials in Month 7, we’ll help you examine one of the biggest stumbling blocks many overshoppers face – their understanding of and behaviour toward money.  This month, you’ll discover:

  • The psychology of money – when you really get this concept, money becomes simple
  • What your own relationship to money is – and how to improve it
  • 4 actions you can take right now to tame your inner spender
  • How to become more financially fit
  • A 6 step process to move you from money weary to money wealthy

Month 8 – The Psychology of Compulsive Shopping

In Month 8, we explore the ways we think about ourselves and our lives, and how that impacts our shopping behaviour.  We encourage you to continue with your commitment to the program.  This month, you’ll learn:

  • A 4-step process to determine your unique shopping triggers – and transform them
  • What is Enough?  How to determine what enough is for you
  • Two powerful strategies for reclaiming your truth and stop self-defeating thought processes that lead to overshopping
  • A 10-minute process you can do anywhere to tap into your creativity
  • A 4-step process to create the life that you want, free of compulsive shopping

Month 9 – New Perspectives

Month 9 marks the commencement of the final third of the program.  We focus on alternative choices and behaviours.  This month, you will discover:

  • A 10-minute-a-day process to shift your perspective on your ‘stuff’
  • A 7-step process for clearing out your unwanted wardrobe items – and having fun at the same time
  • Clever ways to wear more than 20 – 30% of your wardrobe – without throwing anything out or buying anything new
  • 4 qualities that any item you are revamping or up-styling needs to have
  • BONUS Resource from our Sustainable Stylist with the 6 steps for creating sustainable style in your own closet


Month 10 – Organizing Your Closet So You Can Shop In it

In Month 10, we take a tour through our closets and give you the tools to creating a space you truly love and want to use.  This month, you’ll discover:

  • The 3 Use It Now tools you can use to sort the good, the bad and the ugly from your closet
  • The 6 essential ingredients for creating a well organised, “shop in it” closet
  • The secret to setting up a “shop in it” wardrobe, no matter your space limitations
  • 8 easy steps to creating the closet of your dreams
  • 3 principles to packing like a pro plus 2 packing templates for trips of any length

Month 11 – Conscious Shopping

In Month 11, we begin the final eight weeks of the program with a focus on setting you up to succeed once the program concludes.  This month, you’ll learn:

  • The final piece of the working wardrobe puzzle – you’ll never be bored with your wardrobe when you know and use this practical strategy
  • Conscious shopping strategies that take you beyond the mall – and why they’re so powerful
  • The 5 principles of conscious shopping that will keep you on the straight and narrow when you go back to shopping
  • The 12-part criteria that will save you a fortune – you will never bring home an ‘orphan’ (an item of clothing that goes with nothing else in your closet) ever again; and no item purchased using this criteria will ever hang, unworn and unloved, in your closet.  You’ll wear everything you buy using it

Month 12 – Staying On The Conscious Shopping Path

In Month 12, our focus is on your confidence – confidence that you can stay on the conscious shopping path, and maintain the changes you have made throughout the year.  This month,  you’ll learn:

  • 3 power strategies for stopping overshopping
  • 16 bonus strategies for stopping overshopping
  • Your successes and take-aways from your Year Without Clothes Shopping
  • Where to from here, including 3 Take Now steps to continue your conscious shopping journey

If you have any questions about how the program works, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. If the answer isn’t there, contact us.



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